Barbados Crop Over Festival - Grand Kadooment

Kadooment Bands Information | Crop Over Info

Grand Kadooment RevellersBarbados' Kadooment is held on "Kadooment Day and is the culmination of the Crop Over Festival Season. The "Grand Kadooment is the official finale celebration of the season, usually held on the first Monday of August. This parade of Masquerade Bands, revel through the National Stadium before judges, then onto the streets in a Carnival-like fashion where they are judged at strategic points, ending at the Spring Garden Highway, where they awaited the results of the day in merriment in the presents of a beautiful fireworks display. Kadooment Date

Other names for Kadooment Bands are Costumed Bands, Mas Bands, Masquerade Bands, Carnival Bands or Crop Over Bands.

Is it a Carnival?
The Crop Over Festival in Barbados is considered a Carnival Festival, although it doesn't occur before or during lent and has none of the religious undertones, but has all the other elements such as; Masquerading, Street Parties, Public celebrations & parades.

Masquerading was an old African tradition, where they paraded in masks and costumes through the villages to bring good luck and to remove evil spirits. Originally materials for costumes were natural things such as; grass, beads, bones, etc. Head-pieces and Masks were made of feathers to symbolise that people can spiritually rise above anything.

Most European colonies within the Caribbean who were part of the slave trade have Carnival or Carnival-like celebrations. Now in large countries like USA, Canada and England, where they are Caribbean communities you will find Carnival celebrations.

Grand Kadooment Day Celebrations in Barbados